Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Hell's Fugitive

Hell’s Fugitive

Hello there, my lovelies,

Today I wish to delve into a campaign that I never got off the ground, which was a victim of the Covid outbreak. After a few game sessions, the UK health secretary was busy with scandals, and my party had to cancel the in-person sessions (online never worked for us).

I was gutted. It was going to be a campaign based on the fantastic *Veins Of The Earth* by the non-bald Patrick Stuart. The party was a group of fugitives from hell, and the game began with them waking in the pitch dark on a warm stone floor in the deepest parts of the earth. I put them through a funnel adventure to do a bit of character creation via Darwinian survival, and we went from there.

Below is the creation and leveling process for a fugitive of hell. Please enjoy:

Starting Memories

Suffering in hell is the most terrifying, painful, and disgusting experience conceivable. It is so traumatizing that the fugitives have repressed nearly all of their memories. This means that the fugitives start with broad amnesia, recovering memories here and there over time.

  • A memory of a sin: This is the deed that was so terrible it damned them to hell.
  • A memory of hope: Hell cannot exist without hope; otherwise, what is there to suffer for? This is the memory that the character held onto, giving them the will to carry on.
  • A memory of hell: Not a specific memory, but rather flashes of experiences—falling through burning clouds into hell, being part of a herd of screaming people driven forward by devils, being drowned over and over in a river of blood… that sort of thing.

Memories at Level 1

  • A memory of duty: What they were in life (this informs their class).
  • A memory of ambition: What did they want to achieve in life?
  • A memory of community: Where did they live, and which society were they part of?

Race Details

The character’s race is The Damned. They may have been any race in life, but now they are The Damned. They gain the following languages:

  • Lament: This is the sound of the wails of the damned in hell. People who hear it are often left disturbed, but it is so primal that people seem to understand it. There is a 1 in 3 chance that one sentient creature with a soul will understand them.
  • Miltonian: This is the language of the devils that torment the damned in hell.

Reject Fate: Fugitives from hell are the rare individuals who have cheated fate. At a cost, they may cheat fate again.

  • Once per day, they may re-roll any one roll (apart from damage). However, the universe will seek to balance their deed. They will be at -1 on all rolls until they rest.

Regaining Memories

Each time the character advances a level or something truly dramatic happens, they may gain a new memory.


For their Starting Memories and Regained Memories, characters may roll on the tables below. They roll 1D6 and then roll 1D10 on the corresponding table.

Table 1: Memory of...
1 Fear
2 Love
3 Failure
4 Triumph
5 Revenge
6 Comfort
7 Servitude
8 Betrayal
9 Honour
10 War
Table 2: Memory of...
1 Poverty
2 Privilege
3 Peace
4 Hate
5 Humiliation
6 Crime
7 Learning
8 Catharsis
9 Achievement
10 Passion
Table 3: Memory of...
1 Suffering
2 Justice
3 Leadership
4 Loyalty
5 Deception
6 Wealth
7 Hardship
8 Sacrifice
9 Pride
10 Friendship
Table 4: Memory of...
1 Taboo
2 Teaching
3 Family
4 Comedy
5 Weirdness
6 Divinity
7 Blasphemy
8 Etiquette
9 Planning
10 Royalty
Table 5: Memory of...
1 Resilience
2 Promise
3 Rivalry
4 Conspiracy
5 Bereavement
6 Death
7 Healing
8 Worship
9 Scheming
10 Theft
Table 6: Memory of...
1 Joy
2 Despair
3 Cannibalism
4 Forbidden love
5 Unspeakable evil
6 Something ancient and unknowable
7 Birth
8 Death
9 Heaven
10 Hell

I hope you found this useful. As always please borrow and steal as you want.

Much Love. The Civil Tea-Set

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Hell's Fugitive

Hell’s Fugitive Don't do drugs kids. Hello there, my lovelies, Today I wish to delve into a cam...