Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Tea-Set's Patented Island Generator

 The Tea-Set's Patented Island Generator

Islands like this are often home to the lesser spotted pygmy owlbear

Hello there My lovelies,

I love a generator.  It makes things in the world more procedural, creating stories that emerge from the mismatches between different attributes of the region being brought into life.

Anyway, I have been running a pirate-themed campaign for one of my groups, and before I kicked everything into motion I created a map and an island generator to bring each of my islands to life.

The map can be found at the end of this post in case you are interested.  I drew it on cardboard so it has some jankyness to it, but the players do seem to enjoy a physical artefact to get their hands on.

Below is the generator.  Roll each section as it comes up and it will give you an idea of what the island is like.  The generator assumes an age of exploration/colonialisation sort of setting so feel free to change that as you need.  Also, you might find that some things just don't make sense when rolled together, if that is the case change things as needed.  

Tally ho!

Island Generator

Island Geology and Geography





  • Continental Islands are attached to the main continent through the continental shelf.  They are isolated from the mainland by current sea levels 

  • Continental Islands will vary in size from small outcrops to vast landmasses.

  • These islands will have varied geography, and if large enough will sport equally varied ecosystems.



  • Islands that have grown their landmass from successive growths of coral reefs over extended periods of history.  When sea levels drop these areas are exposed becoming isolated landmasses.

  • They tend to have unique ecosystems due to the isolated nature of their formation.

  • They will likely be accompanied by large reefs surrounding the island. 



  • Oceanic islands are formed through volcanic upwellings or other tectonic actions that lead to volcanicity.  Nearly all oceanic islands are connected to or are the remains of volcanoes.

  • Oceanic islands will have unique and varied ecosystems, due to their isolated formation and varied geography.



  • Tidal islands retain a link or landbridge to the mainland.  However, as the name suggests this will vary according to the level of the tide.  At high tide, the island will be completely isolated.

  • Tidal islands are found along the shore of other landmasses. 

  • They will share the geography and ecology of the mainland it is attached to.



  • These are coastal landforms that have grown out from sand deposits in the littoral (coastal) zone.  They will appear and disappear according to current sea levels.

  • They are susceptible to wave action and easily eroded.

  • They will often have landward lagoons, dune ecosystems and will often be titdally connected to the land.



  • These rare islands are created by intelligent actors.

  • Considering the setting this could also mean islands created through arcane or eldritch means. 

Island Ecosystem



  • There is little to no vegetation on the land of this island.  For whatever reason life has not held on here with any real fortitude.

  • There may be small pockets of life, lichen or mosses growing upon the rocks.  There may even be the odd seabird nesting here for a small time.  Otherwise this is a place empty of life.



  • The soil is thin and so are the plants that grow out of it.  Perhaps the geology of the island prevents deeper roots forming, or perhaps wild tempests or vile magics have stripped the island of its larger flora and fauna.

  • Any animals found on the island will likely be small unless they get their food from the sea.

  • Such a place would be ideal for colonies of birds, seals or penguins.



  • These are marshes made up of hardy plants that can suffer the higher level of salinity that comes with the sea.  Saltmarshes are also tidal and will often be covered by the encroaching waves during high tide.

  • These are rich ecosystems, full of diverse life.

  • They are also dangerous places to traverse, full of liquifacted mud and prone to sudden sea inundation.


Tidal Flats:

  • Muddy or sandy expenses that are exposed when the tide recedes.   They can extend out for many kilometres.

  • Optimistic animals feed here at low tide.

  • These are dangerous to traverse as the tide can suddenly close in.  In addition, the ground is often liquifacted meaning one can be sucked into the ground with little hope of rescue.



  • Open grasslands that provide plenty of open space for larger fauna to roam.  These areas can be broken up into forests or shrubland.

  • Expect larger animals here.


  • A river is found here.  This will support a significant ecosystem along its banks.

  • Rivers a made from numerous tributaries (smaller waterways) that feed into them.

  • At higher elevations, rivers run faster.  At low elevations, the river meanders slowly until it reaches the sea.

  • Settlements are usually built alongside the riverbanks.


  • A freshwater lake of considerable size is found here.  It supports a large population of freshwater creatures as well as a surrounding ecosystem.

  • Settlements are often built near lake shores.



  • Forests are rich ecosystems that can support large amounts of fauna.  The nature of the forest will also change according to the environment.

  • Rainforests are tropical forests thick with life.  Rainforests also exist in temperate climates.

  • Cloudforests are rainforests found at higher altitudes, they are often hazy with mist.

  • Pine and evergreen forests are found in colder regions where trees maintain their leaves all year round.

  • Deciduous forests exist in temperate climates where the temperatures shift throughout the year.


Dunes and Palms:

  • The typical environment you would expect to see on a tropical island.

  • Dunes with tall and hardy grasses are the first stages of life colonising that area and making it a more stable part of the coast.

  • These are delicate ecosystems but will have plenty of resources to exploit.  Like coconuts, mmmmmmm coconuts.


Mangrove Swamps:

  • Mangroves are thin and spindly trees that grow thickly by the shores.  Wherever they grow thick, muddy sediment is deposited.

  • Mangrove swamps are often extensive, difficult to navigate through and full of life.

  • They also smell a bit funky.



  • The lands here are touched by the fey.  It will be hard to tell what is merely a plant here and what is a sentient being.  The forests will shift, and the land will trick you.

  • It is home to many powerful and mischievous and often amoral fey creatures.

  • Any traveller should be wary wandering here, for if the land wills it, you may never leave.



  • The land here is shaped by magic.  It is obvious for all to see.

  • If one were to step foot on this island they would be at risk of whatever magics hold sway here..

  • Such an island is an unpredictable place.  Beware traveller.


There is an 80% chance the island is uninhabited.


Degenerate Survivors: 

  • The people that inhabit this island were once right-minded and decent folk, but through generations of blasphemy, barbarism and unspeakable crimes they have been consumed by corruption.

  • Their souls and bodies are stained by evil.  Their bodies are parodies of what once was a wholesome form.

  • They may be the degenerate survivors of ancient people or the descendants of those shipwrecked generations ago.

  • Expect aggression.

Shipwrecked Survivors:

  • A ship was wrecked beyond the point of repair either on shore or just off the island’s coast.  The survivors of this wreck now call this island home.

  • The type of ship will determine the demeanour of the survivors.  Needless to say, they will be desperate and try to escape this island by any means.

  • However if rescued rewards may be had, and important folk amongst their number may bring them influence.

  • They may be well-armed.



  • A tribe calls this island home.  Their technological level will be limited (perhaps the bronze age at the most).

  • Their demeanour will depend on previous interactions with other groups.

  • They may have access to greater technology through trade.

  • This tribe will be limited to fishing and subsistence agriculture.



  • Cannibals are extremely thrilled to have foreign visitors visit their shores.

  • Cannibals may be tribal people who dabble in this taboo, shipwreck survivors who were driven mad with hunger, or maybe even just corrupted and ravenous raiders.

  • Cannibals often lack subtlety.  But some may be cunning.

  • They may serve a higher being or entity.



  • Small isolated islands are a great place to set up a home for your weird cult.

  • Chances are the cult is dangerous and deranged.

  • They will likely be engaged in some form of ritual sacrifice.  

  • They may inhabit the ruins of a lost civilisation, there may be other things within the ruins.  Things they worship.



  • Smugglers will often operate out of hiding coves or tidal cave systems.  

  • Their presence may be temporary as their business may only bring them here intermittently.

  • Likely, they will not be thrilled if strangers stumble across the base of their operations.



  • A hidden pirate base is found on this island.  Much like a smuggler cove, it will be hidden away from the warships of the powerful nations of the world.

  • There will be vast hauls of loot to be found here.

  • The pirates will more than likely be hostile to any interlopers.



  • One or more farms/plantations exist on this island.  They grow and process local resources for tremendous profit.

  • The workers on these ventures may or may not be slaves depending on whom owns the land.

  • It is more than likely there will be a small settlement associated with these farms.  Either that or a small port.


Settlement (Colonia)l:

  • A settlement has been built here by those foreign to these shores.  It will sport architecture and landmarks familiar to those of the home continent.

  • The settlement will likely be on the shore, have access to fresh water and be positioned here for important economic or strategic reasons.


Settlement (Tribal):

  • Local tribes have encamped here to create a large formal settlement.  

  • It will lack the technology of colonial powers but will still have access to craftspeople of some skill.

  • They will likely produce some good of value that they will trade with outsiders.

  • There may be a small colonial presence here.


Eldritch Abmoninatons:

  • Something Awful dwells here.  Something best left forgotten.

  • If people choose to explore the depths of this island and the ruins, they may disturb the thing or things that stalk the land.


Fey Court:

  • The forests here are thick with fey magic.

  • Capricious beings rule over these lands.



  • Necromancers are wack yo.


Penal Colony:

  • Horrible criminals live here!  Have been abandoned here and left to fend for themselves.

  • Helping these people could be a risk, as their inventions could be unclear.  Plus they will do ANYTHING to escape.

  • They may also be political prisoners.  Sent out of here to die in quiet lost parts of the world.


Temple/Monastery/Site of Worship

  • Nuns, monks or even druids can be found here.  They will generally be kind (at least on the surface).

  • They may or may not be secretly really evil. They could just be really nice.

  • This is a place of reflection, relaxation and rest.


Magic User’s Workshop

  • This could be a wizard’s tower, An alchemist's laboratory, or a druid’s grove.  Or anything your brain can imagine.

  • Chances are this place is well hidden, or fortified (maybe both).

  • It will contain significant loot, traps and guardians.

  • It is also likely the owner of this place has quests to give.

Natural Resources

There is a 40% chance that the island will have valuable natural resources.  There is a 10% chance that these are actively being exploited.


Fish or Shellfish:

  • There is a 10% chance that one of these commodities is considered highly valuable.  This could be for several reasons:

    • The resource is rare.

    • It is dangerous to extract.

    • It requires processing, which is labour-intensive and requires skilled workers.

    • There is extreme demand for the resource.


Rare Fruits:

  • Delicious and full of vitamin C, this stops sailors from dying of scurvy.


Exotic Animals:

  • The animal itself is valuable:

    • It is easily tamable and makes a good pet.

    • A prestige creature for rich collectors to keep in captivity.

    • The animal itself has unique properties (possibly even arcane).


Ivory/Animal Trophy:

  • One or more species of animal on the island is a desirable target for hunters or industry due to the resources that can be collected from its corpse.

  • There is a 10% chance that one of these commodities is considered highly valuable.  This could be for several reasons:

    • The resource is rare.

    • It is dangerous to extract.

    • It requires processing, which is labour-intensive and requires skilled workers.

    • There is extreme demand for the resource.



  • The island has rich veins of metal ores.  These can be processed either locally or by other settlements nearby.

  • Mining is dangerous and both the process of mining and processing will produce large slag heaps.  These are usually toxic and an eyesore.

  • However, it means that this island can support a metal works industry so a settlement of some kind will likely be found here too.


Gems and Pure Metals:

  • Diamond. Emeralds, sapphires, gold and silver.

  • These can be extracted from the ground here through panning or via strip mining.

  • Likily it means the island will attract many workers in a wild “gold rush”.



  • The forests here are exploited for the quality of their timber.  Sawmills can be found nearby to process the wood.

  • There is a 10% chance that one of these commodities is considered highly valuable.  This could be for several reasons:

    • The resource is rare.

    • It is dangerous to extract.

    • It requires processing, which is labour-intensive and requires skilled workers.

    • There is extreme demand for the resource.


Relics and Artefacts:

  • Local ruins or wrecks nearby offshore present a massive opportunity for those willing to take the risks of entering these areas to plunder their depths.

  • These places are of course VERY dangerous to the unprepared.

  • Markets exist for commissions by rich patrons to extract rare items from these places.



  • Rare alchemical reagents are found on this island.  These could include rare minerals such as sulphur and quicksilver.

  • These could also be rare medicinal herbs.

  • There is a 50% chance that one of these commodities is considered highly valuable.  This could be for several reasons:

    • The resource is rare.

    • It is dangerous to extract.

    • It requires processing, which is labour-intensive and requires skilled workers.

    • There is extreme demand for the resource.


Arcane Materials:

  • Arcane power flows through this land.  It has manifested in places to produce extremely valuable deposits which can be exploited by enterprising magicians or engineers.

  • There is an 80% chance that one of these commodities is considered highly valuable.  This could be for several reasons:

    • The resource is rare.

    • It is dangerous to extract.

    • It requires processing, which is labour-intensive and requires skilled workers.

    • There is extreme demand for the resource.


There is a 30% chance of a notable landmark being found on this island.


Colonial Ruins:

  • The ruins of a colonial town are found here.

  • It is unclear why this town was abandoned.  It may have been violent and sudden.


Ancient Ruins:

  • Ruins of a long-past civilisation are found here.  Unspeakable things have likely nested here.  

  • There may be an opportunity for treasure here.



  • A large standing stone(s) is found here.  It is clear this was erected by intelligent actors and it shows signs of tool marks.

  • Its purpose is not initially clear.


Shrine To The Gods:

  • A shrine to one or more gods is found here.

  • Depending on the nature of the worshipers, this shrine may be proudly displayed along the shore for all travellers to see, or it may be hidden away so worshipers can practice blasphemous rights over it.



  • This place may be abandoned.  Either through hostile actions of entities within the area or that simply may have extracted all of value.

  • Either way, the empty area may hold valuable resources still.



  • A shipwreck (or many) lay on the coast.  It is ripe for plunder.

  • The question begs however why is this ship (or ships) here?  And where is its crew?



  • A small store of goods, contraband or treasure is hidden here.  

  • You will need a treasure map to find it.

  • It is also possible that the owners will be around or come looking for it.


Cave System:

  • Some places have extensive caves.  Many of these may be utterly submerged.

  • Monsters may live here, or even worse.

  • There may well be treasure here.


Giant Tree:

  • On this island, a tree stands above all others.  It bursts from the canopy and dwarfs them.

  • It may well be under the influence of fey magic.  It may have strange fruits.  It may even be sentient.


Sink Hole:

  • A sinkhole of considerable size is found on this island.  It is full of seawater suggesting it is linked to passages to the sea somehow.

  • There may be treasure at its base.  Who knows.


Volcanic Activity:

  • There is a current or now dormant volcano in this region.

  • Even in dormancy, the magma chamber is hot enough to drive volcanic events in the region.

  • This could be hot springs. Thermal vents or sulfur pipes.


Ghost Ship:

  • Just offshore a ship is anchored.  

  • There are no signs of life aboard and indeed anyone going aboard will notice that it is entirely empty.

  • It is pristine inside, with no signs of struggle or panic.  It is simply empty of crew or life.

  • An unsettling mystery.


Grave Island:

  • The island is a graveyard.  It may or may not be well maintained.  There are 100s if not 1000s of graves on here.

  • There may be a mausoleum.

  • There may be treasure buried here.  There may be undead to protect the graves too.


Gateway to Elsewhere:

  • It is not necessarily clear how to work this gateway.  Or what even lies beyond.


Monster Lair:

  • It may, or may not have a creature inside it.

  • It will not like company.

  • There may well be treasure within.


Magical Aura:

  • A magical field fills this area.   Those who enter within it will immediately be affected by the field’s power.

  • This may be beneficial, but it may be malign.

  • The source of the field may link to an ancient ritual site, a hidden object or even a magic user working in the area.

  • It is likely that treasure could also be near.


Sealed Vault:

  • A puzzle prevents entry into this ancient vault.  

  • To gain entrance, a key may be required, or a special keyword.

  • These must be found to gain entry to this mysterious place.


Remains of a Beached Sea Creature:

  • Something the size of a whale (or larger), has washed up on the coast of the island.

  • Its body may well be harvested for resources.  Its entire nature is a mystery.

  • It may not be dead, there may be things feeding upon it that do not appreciate company.


A Charnel Pit:

  • A great pit of bones can be found here.  The bones belong to sapient species of the world alongside animal bones.

  • Who did this and why it exists is unknown.



  • You see something huge.  So vast it would tower over the tallest buildings in a city.

  • It is unknown if this being is benign or malign.

  • For the moment it hasn’t seen you.  This is probably for the best.

Below is the map I used this generator on.  It is a physical artefact that I have given the party allowing them to navigate the world.  Please enjoy.

Much Love

The Civil Tea-Set

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