Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Five Glorious Items To Spread Chaos And Misery

Five Glorious Items To Spread Chaos And Misery
An intricate and gothic Hellraiser-style puzzle box

Hello there my lovelies,

Today I bring five very naughty artefacts you can use within your campaign. I have used them all in various campaigns, and each has produced what can only be described as entertaining results.

The common thread of these items is that they can be used and abused. Either by the party to mess with the DM, or by the DM to mess with the party.

Please Enjoy.

The Puzzle Box Of Horrible Helping
Appearance: It has the appearance of a Hellraiser-style puzzle box. Intricate and gothic in design. The box can be manipulated through twists, pulls and pushes. It can be transformed into a new configuration that will open it up and reveal what is inside.
  • The puzzle box can be opened after a successful intelligence check (at moderate difficulty). It will take one minute of manipulation to do this.
  • Upon being opened, a great and terrible eldritch abomination will burst forth, overwrought with tentacles, eyes and teeth. It is a pretty horrifying sight, to be honest!
  • The eldritch abomination will follow the command of its master but will only do one of the following:
    • One hour of physical labour
    • One hour of administrative work
    • 30 minutes of entertainment (singing, poetry, tap dancing)
  • The eldritch abomination will not follow orders that do not fall into the above categories, and it certainly won’t fight. However, it will certainly kill anything that attempts to interfere with its given commands.
The Shiv Of Shivving
Appearance: The shiv looks like a homemade knife. A shoddily put-together blade wrapped in cloth and secured by twine.
  • The shiv counts as a dagger to attack and damage.
  • After a successful attack with the shiv of shivving, the wielder must make a wisdom check, or a save vs. magic (whichever you feel is more appropriate). If they fail, they gain an additional attack that round, which they MUST use immediately.
  • The wielder must make a tally at the beginning of each session to see how many times they fail the save for the shiv of shivving. They should then refer to the table below:
Times Shiv test failed Result
1 Must say the word "cut" at least once per 10 minutes. The character is not aware of this.
2-3 The character must say the word "cut" at least once per conversation. They now think cutting things is a pretty cool hobby.
4-5 The character must now say the word "cut" once per sentence. They will start cutting things.
6+ The character can be found muttering “cut, cut, cut” all the time; it is starting to get creepy. At the start of any combat, they must make a save vs. magic or attack the nearest person.
  • After a good night's sleep, the wielder wakes up and comes to their senses.
The Endless Moonshine Bottle Of Terrible Truth
Appearance: A non-descript glass bottle that has seen better days. Any labelling it once had has long ago peeled off.
  • If anyone willingly drinks from the bottle, a disembodied voice from the bottle begins to speak. It will reveal one secret about the drinker to all in earshot. This secret it reveals must be something that the drinker would find embarrassing, upsetting, or would endanger them.
  • Since they drink it willingly, no saving throw is allowed.
  • Oh, and the moonshine in it is endless and gets you really, really drunk.
The Ring of Protection (and Paranoia)
Appearance: The ring has the appearance of a fashionable antique silver ring. It is decorated in a Gothic style and has a large single ruby set in the middle. Very nice, and very expensive!
  • The ring grants the wearer +1 AC, and this stacks with any other AC bonus.
  • However, every morning the wearer must make a save versus magic or suffer from paranoia. They then roll on the table below:
Roll Outcome
1 When you eat, it seems your rations have got smaller. Some greedy bastard is eating your food!
2 An item on your person (it might be a beloved weapon or something sentimental) has been stolen and replaced. The replacement is pretty shoddy, and you can go into detail proving that it is not the same thing that you had yesterday.
3 A member of your party has been replaced, probably by a doppelganger or powerful magic user. You cannot let them know you know, but you need to find a way to get them to confess!
4 Your gold bag is light. Much lighter! Someone has nicked your loot! It could be sneaky goblins, or it could be that party member who just bought themselves something new and fancy!
5 Someone has been following you. It might be more than one person; it could be a whole gang. You are not sure why they want you, but one thing is for sure, you won’t go down without a fight!
6 They want your ring. They know it is precious, very precious. You won’t let them take it; you would rather strangle them first!
Miniature Wardrobe Of Holding
Appearance: The wardrobe looks just like an intricate wardrobe from a dollhouse. It stands no taller than the length of a human hand. It is made with incredible skill and polished finely.
  • The miniature wardrobe of holding works in a similar way to a bag of holding.
  • The interior of the wardrobe is as large as a full-sized luxury wardrobe. The exterior, as already stated, is no larger than a human hand. So getting things in and out of it is a bit tricky!

Thank you for your time!

Much Love,

The Civil Tea-Set

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